

2025년 02월 23일 (일)

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HOME > 취업 > 성공적인 취업요령 > 구직자가 면접 중에 할 수 있는 무난한 질문

성공적인 취업을 위해 준비해야 할 일들 | 이력서 (Resume) 작성요령
커버레터(Covering Letter) 작성요령 | 채용담당자에게 전화 거는 요령
효과적인 취업면접( Job Interview ) 요령 | 인터뷰를 유리하게 이끌기 위한 요령
면접(interview)에서 흔히 받는 질문의 예문
구직자(Applicant)가 면접 중에 할 수 있는 무난한 질문 (예문)


인터뷰 중에 적절한 틈을 찾아 아래와 같은 질문을 구직자가 할 수 있다. 이러한 예문들은 채용담당자가 무난하게 받아들일 수 있는 내용들이다.


What are the company's strengths and weaknesses compared to its competition?


How important does upper management consider the function of this department/position?


What is the organization's plan for the next five years, and how does this department fit in?


Could you explain your organizational structure?


How will my leadership responsibilities and performance be measured? By whom?


What are the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?


Could you describe your company's management style and the type of employee who fits well with it?


What are some of the skills and abilities necessary for someone to succeed in this job?


What is the company's policy on providing seminars, workshops, and training so employees can keep up their skills or acquire new ones?


What particular computer equipment and software do you use?


What kind of work can I expect to be doing the first year?


What percentage of routine, detailed work will I encounter?


How much opportunity is there to see the end result of my efforts?


Who will review my performance? How often?


How much guidance or assistance is made available to individuals in developing career goals?


Can you describe an ideal employee?


What is your organization's policy on transfers to other cities?


성공적인 취업을 위해 준비해야 할 일들 | 이력서 (Resume) 작성요령
커버레터(Covering Letter) 작성요령 | 채용담당자에게 전화 거는 요령
효과적인 취업면접( Job Interview ) 요령 | 인터뷰를 유리하게 이끌기 위한 요령
면접(interview)에서 흔히 받는 질문의 예문
구직자(Applicant)가 면접 중에 할 수 있는 무난한 질문 (예문)


 작성된 새글 (취업)



